Those who want the best for you will want to protect you and your children.

We want to help you make good choices.

You have the responsibility and duty to make good choices also and encourage others to do the same.

Just for your information, we are not anti-choice, but we are for sure anti-bad choice (there is a big difference) because we truly care for you and your child and as you can see abortion is a bad choice that harms the mother and the child. It is violence against you and the child and a harm that may be not reversable. Be a saint, glorify God in your bodies. Don’t disrespect men and act morally and dress modestly. Impurity, temptation, lust and sexual immorality and any sin which leads to death, is not the Lords will for you or anyone. Remember you have other choices, and even before one gets pregnant one has many choices. Will you attend a party with drugs and where people are getting drunk? Will you lay with someone you just met and you are not married to and do not want to raise a child with? There are so many choices. The choices are there, and they are many, before and even after one gets pregnant. Make good choices. Remember. Good choices. And to make good choices, ask the Lord to find you and save you.

You are loved. Keep in mind, even if you do not want to care for the child you may be able to have a caring family care for the child that would like to care for the child. I would pray and hope that they obey God’s commandments though before you let someone else care for the child.